Far from satisfied. To make a long story short, I live in Northern Maine, in a very isolated area where the jobs are few and we're losing far more than we're gaining - just like everywhere else in the Country, no doubt. I lived in California for four months (I returned home on January 16th) where I noticed, on a much larger scale, exactly the same problems. Many blamed the Mexicans, many blamed the President, current and/or former. I saw signs everywhere lamenting the suggestion of health care reform, defining it as socialism and the President as a fool. Plenty of signs talking about the recession and blaming, not surprisingly, the democrats.
Here there are not so many signs, yet there is still something lacking. Not once, there or here, have I witnessed a sign, a pamphlet, a brochure - or anything at all, to suggest or to advertise National health care. In order to be National health care, it must - must - contain a public, universal option. I believe that most of us here are aware of that. Some think it is best to support what we have now and over time, make improvements. Some believe the current proposals would have more negative than positive consequences. But I would say that everyone - or at least nearly everyone, is far from satisfied. I'm pointing out the obvious for a reason.
The reason we are halted in mid-stride, still not making progress with health care reform, is that we (and by we I mean the American people in general) are not demanding to be heard. We may write our representatives, call them, email them. Generally our response is what is known as a political handshake (a polite way of telling us to go fuck ourselves, IMO).
I believe that desperate times call for desperate measures, and in many ways we have never seen a more desperate time. I will not compare this day and age to the great depression, clearly we are not as economically broken - yet. We are, however, facing the increasing threats of climate change, which undeniably will bring disaster upon the entire world. We are facing what may very well be the end of our race if we do nothing to stop it.
The change must begin somewhere. I believe true health care reform would be an excellent starting point. Indicating that we care about the lives and well-being of our own Citizens. That we care about our own. If we succeed here, it may very well lead to a measure of National inspiration. Perhaps enough even to begin healing our environment. To be blunt, very few of the very wealthy people in congress are truly passionately supportive of either necessity. Therefor we must force them to listen. What we need, more than anything, is a unified plan of action.
So I have decided that I am going to do everything within my power to put together a protest march in Washington DC, on July 4th of this year. I believe it a truly powerful date to declare our Independence from the powerful, greedy, and corrupt insurance giants. So far we have been ignored, the only way to make them sit up and pay attention is to gather so many people that they can no longer ignore us. How many of us are uninsured? How many do we know who are uninsured? How many with health problems, physical, mental, dental, that cannot receive the help they need? How many will suffer and die, in the coming months and years, due to lack of care? I would not care to make an estimate, for I fear the numbers would be catastrophic.
Enough is enough. Congress has proven itself unequal to the task. So we must take control, because if we do nothing, then nothing will happen. Minimal change perhaps, moderate change. But what we need in this desperate time is dramatic change.
I'll walk to Washington if I have to, I'll hike, or hitch-hike, take a bus or ride a bike. One way or another I will be there on Independence day. Alone if necessary, but I hope others will join me in putting this together. I hope others will take this historic National holiday as an opportunity and go with me to once again declare our Independence from greed and tyranny.
In closing.. I am sure that wiser minds than mine have very similar ideas. If you are planning a protest in the near future, please send me a PM and I'll do whatever I can to help. I can no longer stand by and do nothing, suffering myself was not enough to push me into action - but watching those I love suffer has finally made me sit up and pay attention. We can do this, we can take control of our own destiny, our own health, with our own hands. But it must be a unified effort.
Thank you for reading.