I still do. That should at least tell you that *I* like it enough to keep renewing my contract, but you may have different priorities than I do. So here's a list of Pros and Cons, as objective as I can make it.
They are a very Liberal company, which is I assume what brought them to your attention. They walk the walk on this too. A portion of their proceeds goes each year to Liberal charity groups, which you vote on.
They don't outsource, at least they never used to. I add that caveat merely because while I have never, in several calls to their customer service, gotten anything but an American who needs that job on the line I did see reference on DU to someone that said they did once. I checked, and still believe all their calls are fielded here in the US, but I thought I should mention it.
They use the Sprint network. Excellent coverage, really really good. I can't remember the last time I was on "roam", kind of forgot it still existed.
They used to give new customers a free pint of Ben & Jerry's every month for a year. Sure it's a small thing and I don't even know if they still do it, but there ya go.
One last little story. in 2004 the area I live in was hit by Hurricane Frances. Our power and phone was out for a couple of weeks afterward. Shortly after it was restored we were hit by hurricane Jeanne. Same result, phones out for quite awhile. Credo, without being asked, lifted all minutes restrictions and so forth for the duration. They realized you see that with the landlines out everyone was using their cell phones to make all calls; people relied on them as their lifeline. So, no charge. They did similar after another storm blew through the next year, Katrina. People forget that it came through Florida before it turned into a monster and ate MS/LA. You think Verizon would do such a thing as a matter of course, just because? I doubt it.
They aren't the cheapest provider out there. Nor the most expensive for that matter but if price is your sole consideration Credo isn't for you.
The selection of phones they offer for sale is not the most extensive. They cover each base in the market, with phones for basic calls, text oriented phones, and of course Blackberrys etc but the selection isn't as broad as some others.
That's about all I can think of that matters. I'm still with them and would not seriously consider changing. I hope you join too, the more the merrier.