by Doug Cunningham on March 10, 2010 - 4:14pm
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New Jersey Governor Chris Christie admits he misspoke on the campaign trail. Jesse Russell reports:
New Jersey’s budget woes continue this week with Governor Chris Christie admitting on Tuesday that he was in the “wrong” in his campaign claims that he would circumvent the contracts of state workers. According to the Governor’s lawyers he can not end a deal made between unions representing the state workers and former Governor Jon Corzine. The agreement saw workers agreeing to defer a 3.5 percent raise originally scheduled to go into effect on July 1, 2009 for 18 months. That raise will come in December in addition to a 3.5 percent raise for this year. The agreement also allowed the Governor to implement 10 unpaid furlough days and in exchange Corzine pledged not to layoff state workers under the agreement. If Christie goes back on Corzine’s agreement with the unions by laying off workers the deferred raise will automatically kick in. The Corzine administration estimated that the deal saved the state between $300 and $400 million.