is a dirty little secret that we don’t like to talk about, but there is no really requirement for being intelligent and being a Senator or a Congressman. Sure, we love to think that the voters of this nation will make an informed decision and not elect an obvious fool to one of the most powerful offices of our nation, but the evidence just does not support that wish.
In some ways, what you have to do to be elected in our modern system actually selects against the truly smart. Campaigning, for candidates and for the most part consists of saying the same thing, the same way over and over and over and over and over. There is the basic stump speech, there is the basic door knock spiel and there is the basic fund raising pitch. For months on end this is most of a what a candidate will say. That is not something that most very smart people find interesting or desirable to do.
The smart ones who are elected do it because they know it is the way to get to where their thoughts and words can make a difference. However, that does not prevent those who are not so smart from doing it as well, the difference comes when it is time for them to do that actual job as opposed to the job of campaigning. This where we get our Jethros in Congress.
Think back the old Beverly Hill Billy’s show and you will see what I mean. Jethro was the completely gormless backwoods cousin Jed Calmpet brought with them to California. He was enthusiastic about everything, even though he was the complete and total package in terms of cluelessness. This allowed him to say and do the dumbest things with complete sincerity. It was never his fault that things fell apart, he did not have a mean bone in his body, he just went where he was told and did what he was told was the right thing.
This is the problem with far too many Republicans in the House and Senate. They are members of the CPAC training, which was about looking good, raising money and parroting the talking points of the leadership. This was the brain child of Newt Gingrich and it worked as long as there was a core of smart (and lets face it, corrupt and evil) leadership in the Republican Party.
Where things started to go bad for the Republicans is when the corruption got to the point where people like Newt and Tom DeLay and other Republican Revolution leaders were shamed out of Congress. This left the Republicans in the position of moving some of their Jethros up to leadership positions. This is how the frightfully orange John Boehner becomes the Minority Leader. A man so gormless that after a day of listening to substanitive back and forth about health care thinks it is okay and effective to repeat the stale and discredited Republican talking points. Or Minority Whip Eric Cantor who brought enough binders to make himself a little fort at the health care summit and proceeded to hide behind it.
I'm sure there are some who are dumb and pumped full of talking points - but some of them are just down right mean