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Miss. school district accused of retaliating against lesbian student for not being in the closet

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ck4829 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-11-10 10:23 AM
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Miss. school district accused of retaliating against lesbian student for not being in the closet
Edited on Thu Mar-11-10 10:24 AM by ck4829
A northern Mississippi school district will not be hosting a high school prom this spring after a lesbian student sought to attend with her girlfriend and wear a tuxedo.

The Itawamba County school district's board decided Wednesday to drop the prom because of what it called recent distractions but without specifically mentioning the girl's request, which was backed by the American Civil Liberties Union.

The student, 18-year-old high school senior Constance McMillen, said the cancellation was retaliation for her efforts to bring her girlfriend, also a student, to the April 2 dance.

"A bunch of kids at school are really going to hate me for this, so in a way it's really retaliation," McMillen told The Clarion-Ledger of Jackson. Calls to McMillen by The Associated Press late Wednesday went unanswered.

School policy requires that senior prom dates be of the opposite sex. The ACLU of Mississippi had given the district until Wednesday to change that policy, arguing that banning same-sex prom dates violated McMillen's constitutional rights.

Kudos to Constance for standing up to the tyranny of the Bible Belt and shame on the school district for ruining the prom just because of one student.
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DevonRex Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-11-10 10:31 AM
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1. They're deliberately setting this girl up for something horrible
happening to her. Blood is on their hands if somebody hurts one hair on her head.
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TlalocW Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-11-10 10:32 AM
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2. It would be great if some group took the school's suggestion
And hold a "private" prom, but then allow this girl and her date to attend to turn the tables on the school bozos.

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