This is so funny. Tea Party and GOP infighting ~ pass the :popcorn:.
Our local right winger hate talk radio heads here in Nevada are also trying hard to get the word out for folks not to support this Tea Party candidate, because they know the writing on the wall - that a vote for the Tea 'Bagger will actually help Harry.
For more background, see:
Reid's sneaky 'Tea Party' candidate. In a nutshell, they're claiming this Jon Scott Ashjian, the new Tea Party candidate running against Reid, is a Reid plant.
Is this is nothing more than the GOP trying to corral the monster is helped create ... or is Reid really that sly? :yoiks:
Tea Party Nation ... is helping the effort to discredit the “Tea Party” candidate in Nevada by accusing him of trademark infringement. The group accuses the candidate, John Ashjian, of being “liberal-funded” ...
Here's TPN’s message to its members.
It has recently come to our attention that an email is circulating referring to the newly established liberal-funded Tea Party of Nevada as TPN. This email repeatedly disparages the Tea Party group using the acronym TPN.
TPN – Tea Party Nation is Trademarked. If you receive this email or have forwarded this email, please make any and all attempts to correct this misinformation.
TPN (Tea Party Nation) is against the formation of a third party political party.
Thank you for your help in this matter.
Sherry Phillips
Vice President
Tea Party Nation