Winograd is running for Congress in California's 36th District, currently represented by Jane Harman. THIS is a primary challenge I urge my fellow 36thers, and anyone else interested in working at the grass roots level to put REAL progressives in the Capitol Building, to support!
From Marcy's website:
Winograd Calls for a Green New Deal!Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!...
Google “Top Ten Green Jobs of the Future” and you’ll read about the need for organic farmers, solar panel installers, wind turbine developers, energy-efficiency builders, waste recyclers, mass transit engineers, hydrologists, urban planners, electric and hybrid car manufacturers, and drought-resistant landscapers.
We need a Green New Deal that would fund jobs both in the public and private sector...
Winograd Supports Affordable Meds Harman's Support for Big Pharma HURTS Patients with Breast Cancer, HIV, and More ...
The latest health insurance reform bill includes an amendment, supported by Jane Harman, member of the Committee on Energy & Commerce, to extend the pharmaceutical industry's monopoly on expensive biologic drugs to twelve (12) years or longer, harming victims of cancer, HIV, rheumatoid arthritis and rare diseases...
Out of Afghanistan Bring our troops home. Invest in Real Security.
“I will vote to bring our troops home from Afghanistan. Jane Harman will not.”
Marcy Winograd
Why We Must Rethink Afghanistan
Campaign Update Progressive Democratic Club/Harbor Area endorses Marcy Winograd for Congress, joining
the Torrance Democratic Club in supporting Winograd in the
June 8th, 2010 Democratic Party
primary.Please help us unseat Jane Harman and give CA-36 a REAL progressive Democrat in Congress!
Listed below are the names of individuals who have already endorsed Marcy Winograd's campaign to unseat Jane Harman.
National & State Endorsements
Daniel Ellsberg, Former Military Analyst/Pentagon Papers
Gore Vidal, Author
Dr. Quentin Young, former physician to MLK; national single payer leader
Ron Kovic, Vietnam Veteran, Author, Born on the Fourth of July
Michael Ratner, Constitutional Rights Attorney/Guantanamo Bay Detainees
Jodie Evans, Co-Founder, Code Pink
Norman Solomon, Progressive Democrats of America
Ed Begley, Jr., Environmental Activist
Lila Garrett, Host of KPFK’s Connect the Dots
David Swanson, After Downing Street
Jim Hightower, National Radio Commentator
Bill Monning, Global Majority; Chair, CA Assembly Labor & Employment Committee
Jim Beall, Assemblyman, Chair, Human Services Committee
Jackie Goldberg, Former California Assembly Member
Haskell Wexler, Cinematograhper
Tim Carpenter, PDA Exec. Director
Mimi Kennedy, PDA, National Chair
Richard Silverstein, Tikun Olam
Henry Herskovitz, Jewish Witnesses for Peace
Luis Cuevas, National Dir., Progressive Push
Rima Nashashibi, Pres., National Women's Political Caucus, Orange County
Bree Walker, radio broadcaster
Political Organization Leaders
Julian Burger, President, Progressive Democrats (Harbor area)
Progressive Democratic Club/Harbor
Jack Finley, Chair of Harbor Area, Veterans for Peace
Rick Reyes, VP, Iraq Veterans Against the War, LA Chapter
Rick Wagner, Pres., Torrance Democratic Club
Mickey Oskey & Lillian Laskin, Co-Founders, Westside Progressives (Mar Vista, Venice, West LA)
Linda Sutton, Co-Chair, Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles
Ricco Ross, Co-Chair, Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles
Bill Honigman, California Statewide Dir., Progressive Democrats of America
Sheila Mickelson, Former President & Founder, Westchester Democratic Club
David Greene, Pres., San Pedro Democratic Club
Karen Ceaser, Vice Pres., San Pedro Democratic Club
Robert Brandin, Sec., San Pedro Democratic Club
Mickey Oskey, Westside Progressives
Brad Parker, Co-Founder, Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles
Karen Bernal, Chair, Progressive Caucus, California Democratic Party
Tom Camarella, Pres. Emeritus, Culver City Democratic Club
Ronnie Jayne, Pres., Culver City Democratic Club
Ralph, Erickson, President Emeritus, Malibu Democratic Club
Dorothy Reik, Pres., Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains
Local Elected Officials & Neighborhood Leaders
Mitch Ward, Mayor Pro Tem, Manhattan Beach
James Allen, Publisher, Random Lengths News
Carl Clark, Vice-President, Redondo Beach School Board
Hershl Hartman, Ed. Dir., The Sholem Community - West Los Angeles
Daryl Seybold, Central Harbor San Pedro Neighborhood Council
Jane Affonso, Redondo Beach, Deputy Director of an interfaith economic justice nonprofit
Marilyn Montenegro, Social Worker Redondo Beach, CA
Sheri Leigh Myers, Writer, Election Activist Mar Vista, CA
Salvador Lara, Cruces Neighborhood, Wilmington
Mark Bowen, Long Beach City College Board of Trustees, President
Bill Roberson, Central Harbor San Pedro Neighborhood Council
Ralph Mechur, President, Santa Monica School Board
Laura Espinoza, Madres y Famlias de Wilmington
Russell Greene, Marina del Rey Business Leader
Josh Casper, Assoc. Student Body President, El Camino College
Jose Iglesias, VP, Associated Student Body, El Camino College
Amanda Cepeda, International Students Club, El Camino College
Political Organizations & Unions
University of California - American Federation of Teachers (UC-AFT)
El Camino College Federation of Teachers
Progressive Democrats of America
Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles
Southern California chapter of Americans for Democratic Action
Armenian National Committee
Torrance Democratic Club
Progressive Democratic Club/Harbor