I am pro single payer, have been for years and I don't expect to change my opinion anytime soon.
I was able to be pragmatic and settle for the public option, then for the non-profits. I can put up with the mandate and the insane amounts of money being given to the insurance companies because it would save American lives. Unfortunately, these two announcements made today have me worried.
Announcement #1 Hispanic Caucus threating "no" vote for health care
http://thehill.com/homenews/house/86125-hispanic-caucus-threat-to-vote-no-on-healthcareAnnouncement #2 Senate Parliamentarian: House Must Move First
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/11/senate-parliamentarian-ho_n_495522.htmlFirst, I doubt if what the Hispanic Caucus is asking for is possible. Why didn't they do this 8 or 10 months ago? It might have had a chance back then, I don't see it happening now. Maybe they are just trying to get President Obama to make good on his promise of immigration reform. Maybe.
Second, The Senate can't be trusted and The House knows it. This makes it even harder to get to 216 in The House and even if we do, odds are The Senate won't follow through on the reconciliation package. We would be stuck with the Senate Bill as is.
I sincerely hope I am wrong but right now I am more worried about the people who this bill would have helped. I am even beginning to wonder if the cost for this crappy bill has really become to high.