... until today, received this email from MoveToAmend.org:
Great news. We made it to the final round of the Change.org competition! Now that we are in the final round, we just need you to vote one more time.
Each year, the social change networking site Change.org sponsors an "Ideas for America" competition, a crowd-sourcing contest to help give an extra push to some of the best ideas for social change. The top ten most popular ideas will be presented at special meetings in Washington, D.C., with White House staff and also receive special support and promotion from Change.org
We have sponsored an idea in the competition: "Move to Amend: Constitutional Rights for People, Not for Corporations." . . . and that proposal is now in the Top 10. Let's keep it there.
http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=crowd-sourcing&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8Thanks to MoveToAmend.org, I now have more euphemistic, corporate/military, Newspeak from the Euphemedia in my head than before. :banghead:
I still don't know. I don't wanna know. :hide: :kick: Down With Big Brother!!!
("Euphemedia" coined by DU's own Senator, a coinage that speaks for itself and doesn't require a marketing team).