Sorry for the long political rant, but I am sick of these people and their whining.....
I’m Tired Of …
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. … Matthew 7:5 (KJV)
There are only two kinds of hypocrites: those who admit that they are and those who insist that they aren’t.
This is an open letter to conservatives in America: I’m tired of you. I’m tired of conservatives whining about everything.
I’m tired of you whining at tea rallies and of your histrionics at town hall meetings. You offer little, if any, solutions save for pointing the finger of blame at everyone else. You are self-righteous people, secure in the knowledge that your Social Security, Unemployment, and student loan checks and other government largesse, services, and subsidies will be delivered safely to your doorsteps. Your homemade placards indict you as the hypocrites that you are.
I’m tired of you whining that America has abandoned the Constitution but ignore the fact that conservatives, along with everyone else, benefit from what the Framers of the Constitution would deem to be unconstitutional. If your goal is constitutionality, then begin by rejecting your own unconstitutional beneficences.
I’m tired of you whining about excessive government spending but then demand spending cuts to everything but your own. If fiscal responsibility is your goal, then begin by offering cuts in government spending that benefit you.
I’m tired of you whining about big government but not defining what smaller government is. If lesser government is your goal then work to reduce or eliminate your government before you take the knife to government that others believe to be necessary.
I’m tired of you whining that Socialism is evil while you apply for Unemployment Compensation. This benefit is socialistic; don’t collect it. If you are collecting it then stop. Do not use the excuse that you paid taxes and are entitled to it. You aren’t entitled to anything, as conservatives are wont to say. We all pay taxes for programs from which we derive little satisfaction. Allowing money to supersede principle is hypocrisy at its worst. Conservatism would be best served if its adherents would not partake of what they oppose.
I’m tired of you whining that America is lurching toward Socialism while many of you collect Social Security. This benefit is socialistic so vow not to collect it. Those already collecting it should stop. Do not use the excuse that you paid taxes and are entitled to it. You aren’t entitled to anything. Your taxes funded the retirement of your elders and by refusing to collect Social Security you will lesson the tax burden on your children and grandchildren while exercising those family values that you claim that only you have. Stop partaking of what you oppose.
I’m tired of you whining about Socialism yet celebrate the forty hour work week. This Federal mandate is an example of government interference with private enterprise. Conservatives should demand the elimination of the eight hour work day and the five day work week and empower Business to determine both. Our ancestors worked long hours and some died in the struggle for a shorter work week. They didn’t call government intervention socialism; they called it justice.
I’m tired of you whining about the evils of labor unions but accept the benefits that accrue to you whether unionized or not. Ultimately, Organized Labor’s purpose is worker advocacy and to benefit the compensation of most Americans. If you belong to a union then quit your jobs; your employers’ doors swing both ways. Should you choose not to quit then return your union negotiated wage and benefit increases to your employers. Arguing for right-to-work laws and open shops affords conservatives the opportunity to collect union benefits without paying union dues: a “something for nothing” mentality that is loathed by conservatives when others exploit it. I’m tired of you whining that the minimum wage is not a valid free market concept and hinders job creation but accept it in your paychecks. Conservatives who oppose the minimum wage should return that amount to their employers. Your efforts will make the goods and services that your companies provide more affordable to those who are appreciative of the minimum wage. If you believe that eliminating the minimum wage will result in a higher wage for you, then be confident that your employers will take back that seven dollars an hour and then will pay you eight. I’m tired of you whining about paying for others but are too shortsighted to realize that they are paying for you, as well. Your selfishness has bred an “every man for himself” mentality where Each is pitted against All in a merciless Darwinian economic jungle. All private endeavors are built upon the foundation of public support. No man makes it “on his own” and the concept of the self-made man is a myth crafted by those whose egos exceed their common sense.
I’m tired of you whining about the immorality of others yet rationalize the moral failings of your own. Flush your own toilets before you stick your noses in other people’s business. Boasting of one’s moral and spiritual superiority diminishes both. Conservatives are not superior to anyone and you should realize that we all sin and fall short of God’s glory. I’m tired of you whining about those who will not accept responsibility for their actions while you blame everybody but you for our nation’s ills. Conservatives are as responsible for the problems in this country as all the others that you indict for everything.
I’m tired of you whining that “greed is good” while you exalt your supposed religiosity. Greed is never good; it is covetousness and is the love of many things, especially money. Your misguided belief that greed fuels the American economy distorts the fact that it is the Profit Motive that fuels it; greed fouls it. Greed is a deadly sin and evil can never be good.
I’m tired of you whining that government is the problem and not the solution and then look to the Republican Party to solve all the problems. The GOP is no better or worse than any other political party in this country and is as responsible for the problems we must confront as the Democratic Party that you condemn for everything.
I’m tired of you whining about media bias while you limit your information sources to conservative radio, television, print and internet media outlets. The demagogues of the Right have produced a stale hum of boring, repetitive and predictable polemics and, though proclaiming their love of freedom, envision an America where the righteous must embrace their orthodoxy while branding those who differ as Marxist or mentally ill. Truth is a product of the total, not the partial, and if you will not engage the great American Marketplace of Free Ideas to expand your knowledge base then your conservative biases diminish your intellectual relevance.
I’m tired of you boasting that only conservatives have principles then proceed to ignore them for expediency’s sake. All are guilty of hypocrisy and, once realized, perhaps We the People can build a consensus to solve the many problems that you insist are caused by everyone but you.
I’m tired of conservatives who have made “Marxist” the new pejorative. You desecrate the memory of the many millions who suffered the brutalities of real Marxists and most of you would be challenged to offer a legitimate definition of Marxism.
I’m tired of conservatives because you have become a discordance to those Americans who place love of country above your worship of Party, Politician and Philosophy. This secular godhead is no better or worse than that embraced by many Americans and the perceived sanctimony of that Trinity is limited to your conservative mind. No man will ever criticize his god or his gods and you verify that adage consistently. I will listen to you when I see you at rallies, demonstrations and conventions waving placards that read: “cut my spending”, “cut the pork in my district”, “stop my Socialistic (fill in the blank) government check”, “eliminate my program”, etc. Until then, shut up and stop promoting your hypocrisy.