The Wired profile details how BREITBART manipulates the media to get coverage for his wingnut projects, like the scamming of ACORN.
I already knew that Orson BEAN is his father in law, but had a vague impression of BEAN as being an Eastern elitist Lib, from seeing him on What's My Line, with his fellow panelists, although I have NO idea of Kitty CARLYLE's and John DALY's politics. What a surprise that BEAN was a die hard NIXONite, and here, BREITBART's first "mentor."
Good sections on how BREITBART partnered the PUDGE "report", plus all the legal and financial problems BREITBART has had, much more than the ACORN scam.
So the original long profile is buried inside the Gawker link, and alone in the DU thread. And is that a Snuggie BREITBART has on?!1*************QUOTE********** Breitbart, Elitist
"They're an elitist pestilence," Andrew Breitbart says of liberal Hollywood celebrities in this Wired profile of the conservative internet publisher. And then, after saying that, Andrew went to a Manhattan nightclub to drink Cristal with rich people.
Seriously! ....
In addition to decadent Hollywood celebrities, Andrew Breitbart also hates liberal journalists.
"Among those members of the Democrat-media complex: me, an ex-Clinton-Gore campaign staffer contributing to The New York Times. In 2008, I took Breitbart to Wired's 15th anniversary party in Manhattan. He took me to gatherings of pols and pundits at Yamashiro, a restaurant in the Hollywood Hills designed to look like a shogun palace."
Here's a picture Andrew once took of billionaire financier George Soros. Unlike Dennis, Soros is a bad elitist billionaire, because he funds liberals things. Andrew took this picture (and sent it to Nick Denton) at Jean Georges, the fantastically elite Manhattan restaurant. Where Andrew was also dining, at the time.
He is basically a clown, so we should probably stop giving him so much attention.
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