Can this poodle wearing a tinfoil hat get more fans than Glenn Beck?
Inspired by the Facebook meme, "Can this {random object} get more fans than {scorned object}?", and frustrated with the fearmongering tactics of Fox News TV host Glenn Beck, web developer Dale Blank searched his "office" – the Web – to find an image to illustrate the gaze of sincerity coupled with paranoia that appears to be Mr. Beck's stock in trade.
Enter "Bitsy", the adorable dog owned by "Just Energy Radio" host Dr. Rita Louise. One quick and dirty Photoshop job later, and a new character – "Bob The Wonder Poodle" was born. In just over two weeks, over a quarter million Facebook users became "fans" of "Can this poodle wearing a tinfoil hat get more fans than Glenn Beck?".
I'm providing the link here because Facebook is blocking his site: to join you have to go to his page and then click the "Find Us in Facebook."
From his Facebook site:
I've been "publish blocked" by FB, and they've not been forthcoming as to the reason why.
I need your help in this endeavor; if we are to achieve our goal, please contact the media so we may have the block lifted.
From MSNBC... link: don't hear the words "poodle," "tinfoil hat," and First Amendment in the same sentence often, but they are indeed linked in a classic Facebook melodrama.
Dale Blank runs a Facebook page devoted to accumulating as many fans as possible for a farcical picture of a beloved poodle named Bitsy sporting a tin hat -- perhaps a bit like the one you might mentally draw on someone who was espousing tiresome conspiracy theories.
Blank's intentionally clumsy Photoshop job, and his quest for fans, has a specific target -- Fox News broadcaster Glenn Beck. On Feb. 8, Blank created the page with the stated intention of proving that his tin-hatted poodle could accumulate more Facebook fans than Beck, a favorite among conservative talk-show fans.
Within a week, thanks to several bumps from the blogosphere, the poodle was well on his way, claiming nearly 300,000 fans -- and enjoying logarithmic growth. Beck's page stands at about 500,000.
It didn't help that Facebook initially failed to give Blank an explanation for taking away his ability to publish. Then, when an explanation finally arrived this week, its vagueness only added fuel to the fire.
"A Facebook administrator looks into each report thoroughly in order to decide the appropriate course of action. If no violation of our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities has occurred, then no warning will be sent," wrote a woman identifying herself as Marissa from Facebook's User Operations department, according to an e-mail provided by Blank. "If a violation has occurred, then a warning or more severe actions are taken. Unfortunately, for technical and security reasons, we are unable to provide details regarding the removed content. We apologize for any inconvenience."