Acorn really helps the working poor. And now congress says it had to take away their money to protect tax payers.
WTF? The banksters get armloads of tax dollars and remain at the roulette table while giving themselves bonuses. Someone remind me which party has the majority?
Not just Fox News but WaPo and New York Times reported that the kid was dressed as a pimp in the Acorn office. In fact, it looks like it was an edited video and the media has not corrected it. And congress needs to address it too.
John Atlas, 'Seeds of Change' on Democracy Now;
"A federal judge has reaffirmed her earlier ruling blocking the congressional effort to de-fund the anti-poverty group ACORN. On Wednesday, Judge Nina Gershon cemented a decision from last year that such action amounted to an unconstitutional “bill of attainder.” Judge Gershon has asked all federal agencies to allow ACORN funding without delay."