Mr. Beck has asserted that social/economic justice, are simply codewords for Communism, and socialism/fascism. He says that we should abandon, thus starving all churches that teach this perversion of Jesus teachings. Forgetting that many feel that his religion is but a perversion of Jesus teachings. His paternal warning to us sheep, destined for slaughter, supposes that we will give him any credibility outside of his faith. Indeed, we should examine his faith.
There are several tenets that should be looked at.
First, is the exclusion of Black men from priest status, abandonned as recently as 1978. It sure casts a light on his insinuations that Obama is not qualified to be President.
The Adam-God teachings, that Adam was given God status to enjoy on another planet. This might be the key to his refutation of any need for concern about conservation, Global Climate Change, evolution etc.
Consecration, being the system whereby the Mormon faithful are strongly encouraged to deed all property and wealth to the church. To be doled out to support widows, ill and poor. This is so central to Mormon philosophy, that to condemn it as fascism/socialism/communism, may find him learning firsthand about the last concept of Mormonism.
Atonement, being the concept that you can commit acts that are beyond the power of the blood of Jesus to forgive. In contrast to who might inflict punishment on Mr. Beck for his transgressions, God will likely leave this to Mr. Ailes.
This apostasy of Mr. Beck, will likely be superimposed on Mr. Romney, who will find it again impossible to effectively campaign to other than teabaggers. It will also seperate the wheat from the chaff. Those religious faithful in the Teaparty, will attack the secular libertarian portion. Thus making unavailable the Teabaggers as expected votes.
The religious right have felt dissed increasingly, erupting as Bush2 proclaimed post presidency that the bible is useful only as reference, not gospel{verbatim}.
These insults on lifelong teachings, will result in Mr. Beck having bitten off far more than he was intending to chew. Perhaps he is the door in the face sales technician, who will release exerpts from the heavily right wing anticipated Rambo version Bible, with social/economic justice sounding verses fixxed. Certainly Mr. Beck will notice the dearth of hate hymns, save Onward Christian Soldier. Perhaps he is unaware that Klan Death Metal exists for that purpose.
I believe Mr. Becks attempts to substitute Mammon and commerce, for compassion and comfort, will fly in the face of faith. He might start now negotiating his God status on another planet. Unfortunately, God can read his blackboard and remains against false prophets. So begins the slide to clown obscurity. I find the debate he left behind, refreshing, and long overdue.