Edited on Fri Mar-12-10 03:44 PM by placton
in Democratic history, than Obama, Pelosi and Reid? To start with, they have all (mmmm, what's a nice way to say "lie") changed positions on everything from health care, to the wars, to the banksters, to privacy (shall I go on?). Of course, they are aided and abetted by those who signed letters and promised they would support public option and/or single payer legislation - to name JUST ONE issue.
Now, led by the the Least Triumvirate in US history, the Dems are backing off promises left and right. Kinda like Obama did, when still in the Senate, on the FISA legislation. You can bet that all these promises we are seeing now, that there will be support for what America wants, will also evaporate like gasoline on a hot pavement.
We have seen all this before, since 1/20/09 - and even before that. Sad to say, there are gonna be a lotta us staying home on the next voting day. They won't listen to anything else, so time to toss 'em out and start over. This is not about these folks personally - I don't know a single one of them except Carl Levin. But, as Harry Truman used to say, "the boot starts in their ass..." Oops, guess, it was me that said that.