Yesterday, thousands of us called Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), criticizing him for recent remarks that undermined the public option.
In direct response, his spokesperson emailed us some big news today:
"I want to be crystal clear: Sen. Durbin and the rest of the Senate Leadership will be aggressively whipping FOR the public option if it is included in the reconciliation bill the House sends over."
This is huge. The fate of the public option is now in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's hands.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has already said she supports a public option -- but now we need her to make it happen. Can you call her now and ask her to include it in the bill -- or at least allow a vote?
Yes, give me Pelosi's number and a script.
No, thanks.
We will keep the pressure on the Senate, but Durbin's statement today was game-changing and Speaker Pelosi needs to act -- by scheduling an up-or-down vote in the House.
So far, she seems resistant. But too many people have fought too hard for Speaker Pelosi to now deny a vote on the public option. The more House members speak out, the more pressure Pelosi will face to allow the public option to move forward.
Can you call Speaker Nancy Pelosi and ask her to urge Pelosi to schedule a vote on the public option? Click here for the number and a script.
The public option is in our grasp. With your help, we'll make it happen.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- Aaron Swartz, Stephanie Taylor, Adam Green, Brian Bills, Michael Snook, and the PCCC team
P.S. We will run the above image as an online ad in Pelosi's district and Washington, D.C. to pressure Pelosi. You can help by chipping in here.