Grayson adds another 14 co-sponsors to Medicare buy-in bill
by: Chris Bowers
Fri Mar 12, 2010 at 17:25
There are now 64 sponosor's to Alan Grayson's Medicare buy-in bill. That's 14 more since yesterday. Here is the complete list:
64 CURRENT COSPONSORS: Representatives Bob Filner, Jan Schakowsky, Barney Frank, Dennis Kucinich, Donna Edwards, Jared Polis, Chellie Pingree, Sheila Jackson Lee, Carol Shea-Porter, Diane Watson, John Lewis, Anthony Weiner, Jerrold Nadler, Nydia Velazquez, Keith Ellison, Loretta Sanchez, Hank Johnson, Maxine Waters, Luis Gutierrez, Lynn Woolsey, Marcy Kaptur, Charles Rangel, Patrick Kennedy, Raul Grijalva, Donna Christian-Christensen, John Olver, Corrine Brown, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Marcia L. Fudge, Danny K. Davis, Pedro Pierluisi, Grace Napolitano, Alcee Hastings, John Hall, Shelley Berkley, John Conyers, Jim McGovern, Phil Hare, Betty Sutton, Jim McDermott, Gregorio Sablan, Maurice Hinchey, Carolyn Maloney, Barbara Lee, Elijah Cummings, Gregory Meeks, Edolphus Towns, Al Green, David Wu, Rush Holt, Carolyn Kilpatrick, Tammy Baldwin, Mike Doyle, Diana DeGette, Steve Cohen, Bennie Thompson, Andre Carson, Yvette Clarke, Steve Israel, James Moran, Emanuel Clever, Judy Chu, Donald Payne, and John Garamendi.
In all likelihood, the public option is going to have to come in this sort of stand alone bill. No matter the odds, Democracy for America, the PCCC, and CREDO Action are still fighting for it in the current health reform process. they continue to fight the good fight, and deserve a lot of praise.Since this is a stand alone bill, it is worth asking: are there 216 votes for a Medicare buy-in? Are there 51? Even if there are, will those votes still be around next year?
When the buy-in is limited to 55-64, or even 50-64, I believe that there are, and that there will be enough votes. When everyone is allow to buy-in, I don't know. However, it's best to start seeing how many votes there are for the big enchilada, and then decide where to go from there.
Here is a cool pic of the ongoing process:
Have a good weekend. I am going to try and chill out before the six days of insanity start on Monday.