Those who thought they were voting for something else were never Really listening.
My argument is not that Post-partisanship exists... only that in his writing and rhetoric that is what Obama aspired to and that America wanted it to believe in. Make no mistake, he did not win because he was a liberal, he won because he was and is the antithesis of the former resident. The antithesis of the former president is a competent smart president. It actually was smart vs dumb and angry.. rather than liberal vs conservative. Put another way:
“Hopey-Changey” did not mean liberalism, it always meant post-partisanship at its core.
I don't think if you seriously listened to the 2004 speech or read "Audacity" that you could reach a different conclusion. In fact, there was little in Obama's rhetoric or writing to feed the notion that he was a "true believer".
That is not to say that Obama may have over-thought his ability to transcend those lines. I think he was naive in some respects. The GOP makes thing up as a rule,,, to raise money but also to drive the debate. It might have been different if Republican leadership still held sway of the members, but they are all scared to death of Limbaugh and Beck and that’s who leading the party now. Post–partisanship requires a partnership and it simply is not going to happen with the bozos running the show,
But there is another side to this.
If you proscribe more than Post=partisanship to Obama, if you thought he was the second coming of FDR or JFK or LBJ, that is not nearly so much his fault as it is your own. The fact that some of us put that on him and I would suggest that such a projection was neither reasonable or realistic.
I think the base saw what it wanted to see which was largely a delusion...and probably much more a self-delusion than we would like to admit...Thus the disappointment/dissolution.
But I also think those who voted for him yearning for post-partisanship, while perhaps equally deluded still really like him. Those who thought they were voting gor a progressive messiah are probably far less enthralled.
But that is not his fault….it is ours.
Respectfully Submitted and cross-posted with amplification from GD-P