'The Times Botched the Story', Author Says About ACORN 'Pimp' Hoax on 'Democracy Now!'President of National Housing Institute decries: 'Act of defunding ACORN by Congress is a national disgrace'..."This reporting was done by not just the right-wing press, but every one of the mainstream press, and I’m talking about...the New York Times," said John Atlas, author of the new book
Seeds of Change: The Story of ACORN, America’s Most Controversial Anti-Poverty Community Group on this morning's
Democracy Now!.
"And there’s a whole movement out there now trying to get the public editor to go on record saying the Times botched the story," Atlas, the president of the National Housing Institute, continued.
He was on the show to discuss this week's finding by a federal judge that Congressional legislation crafted specifically to defund ACORN was unconstitutional. He described it as "a national disgrace" brought on as Congressional Democrats cow-towed to the Rightwing's years-long scapegoating of "the most effective anti-poverty organization in the country."
"The first thing I want to say, that needs to be said over and over again, is that the act of defunding ACORN by Congress is a national disgrace. We should all be outraged about that. Basically what happened is Congress bowed to Fox News, Glenn Beck, the rest of the right-wing echo chamber --- we’re talking about the United States Congress --- and then scapegoated the most effective anti-poverty organization in the country. That’s a scandal of enormous proportions," Atlas chided.
In the bargain, he set the record straight about what ACORN does, how important their work is to those in our country who most count on them, and how the story of the ACORN "Pimp" Hoax was so unforgivably misreported over and again by the
New York Times (and others) who still continue their journalistic malpractice by flat-out refusing to responsibly correct the record, as The BRAD BLOG has detailed in great length over the past several weeks…
FULL STORY, VIDEO, TRANSCRIPT EXCERPTS: http://www.bradblog.com/?p=7743