More than a thousand protesters, yet where is the coverage? Worse, the only coverage given is by conservative commentators complaining that references to the protest is evidence of liberal media bias. Fox News is happy to substitute news clips in order to inflate the numbers of a astro-turf tea party protests, but the corporate media does its best to minimize and discredit protests in support of health care reform.
It is a divide and conquer strategy.<

Washington (CNN) - Activists ratcheted up the pressure for health care reform Tuesday, picketing in front of a hotel where a group of insurance industry leaders were meeting.
More than 1,000 protesters, including representatives of organized labor, marched through downtown Washington before stopping in front of the Ritz Carlton, site of the annual conference of America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), an insurance industry lobbying group.
"We're fired up (and) can't take no more," the marchers chanted as they unfurled an oversized roll of yellow police tape emblazoned with the words "corporate crime scene."
They were led by, among others, former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, a prominent backer of reform legislation.