The Republicans have stopped playing. They are against the HCR bill unanimously.
Since it is entirely up to the Democrats, they can pass whatever bill they want to pass. They can pass the pubic option, if they so desire. The question is: Will they have the courage to pass anything worthwhile? Don't bet the farm.
Many Democrats, not all, have nailed their knees to the floors of the corporate church. They have forgotten the people. They are Democrats in name only. It helps them to get re-elected in their districts.
But Speaker Pelosi has already announced that there would be no "public option". Why? Is she giving cover for those that do not want to vote for public option but also, do not want to be identified as voting against a public option. They want their cake and eat it too.
However, let's be honest about this reform bill. It is entirely the creation of the Democratic Party. They can pass whatever they want to pass. Republicans have taken themselves out of the game. Let's keep it in perspective.