Unless you are simply not aware that it IS a lie.
FYI, Kucinich is as effective a majority Democratic members of Congress. Why tell that lie by omitting the information that totally debunks it? I thought we had put that lie to rest, but apparently some opponents of the Public Option don't have much regard for facts.
Once again, just so more honest individuals are not swayed by the smears against Kucinich:
http://www.govtrack.us/congress/person.xpd?id=400140Biden, after 23 years:
Joseph Biden has sponsored 237 bills between Jan 6, 1987. and Oct 1, 2008 of which 160 haven't made it out of committee and 19 were successfully enacted. Biden has co-sponsored 980 bills during the same time period. (The count of enacted bills considers only bills actually sponsored by Biden and companion bills identified by CRS that were themselves enacted, but not if they were incorporated into other bills, as that information is not readily available.)
Russ Feingold, considered to be a very effective Democrat:
Russell Feingold has sponsored 376 bills since Jan 21, 1993 of which 346 haven't made it out of committee and 6 were successfully enacted. Feingold has co-sponsored 1,207 bills during the same time period. (The count of enacted bills considers only bills actually sponsored by Feingold and companion bills identified by CRS that were themselves enacted, but not if they were incorporated into other bills, as that information is not readily available.)
Dennis Kucinich, mmm, he co-sponsored even more bills than either Biden or Feingold. It can't be, aren't they very effective Democrats? And haven't they been in office even longer than Kucinich?:
Dennis Kucinich has sponsored 97 bills since Jan 7, 1997 of which 93 haven't made it out of committee and 3 were successfully enacted. Kucinich has co-sponsored 2,924 bills during the same time period. (The count of enacted bills considers only bills actually sponsored by Kucinich and companion bills identified by CRS that were themselves enacted, but not if they were incorporated into other bills, as that information is not readily available.)
And excellent progressive member of the House, Maurice Hinchey:
Maurice Hinchey has sponsored 119 bills since Jan 5, 1993 of which 111 haven't made it out of committee and 3 were successfully enacted. Hinchey has co-sponsored 4,292 bills during the same time period. (The count of enacted bills considers only bills actually sponsored by Hinchey and companion bills identified by CRS that were themselves enacted, but not if they were incorporated into other bills, as that information is not readily available.)
Maurice, like Kucinich has a great record of doing his job of co-sponsoring progressive bills.
Barney Frank has sponsored 380 bills since Jan 6, 1987 of which 317 haven't made it out of committee and 12 were successfully enacted. Frank has co-sponsored 5,325 bills during the same time period. (The count of enacted bills considers only bills actually sponsored by Frank and companion bills identified by CRS that were themselves enacted, but not if they were incorporated into other bills, as that information is not readily available.)
Barney, in 23 years managed to get only 13 of his bills enacted?
I hope this small sampling, showing that Kucinich is as effective as any other Democrat, will keep you from spreading the lie by omission being told by the opponents of the Public Option. And since hope springs eternal, you will have the honesty to apologize for doing so.