Opposition to the conditions forced on millions of people is inevitable. There is an immense and growing chasm between the working class and all of the existing institutions. That includes the trade unions, which have been transformed into adjuncts of the corporations and the government for the impoverishment of working people.
The Socialist Equality Party supports every step in the direction of new and independent forms of popular struggle. The decisive question, however, is the construction of an independent political movement of the working class. It is only on the basis of a socialist program that the struggles of workers can be directed at the underlying cause of the crisis—the capitalist system.
The fundamental elements of such a program include:1. The international unity of the working class. The international scale of the crisis has underscored the objective unity of the interests of workers all over the world. The global integration of the world economy provides the basis for a vast development in the living conditions of mankind. However, within the framework of capitalism, it produces only a coordinated attack on workers everywhere, combined with escalating conflicts between rival nation states. To fight against this attack, workers must reject all forms of nationalism and chauvinism and unify on the basis of a common struggle against global capitalism.
2. The political independence of the working class.http://www.socialequality.com/conference