If everything I'm reading on other charter school threads is correct, the basic plan is this:
Siphon funds from the underfunded public school system and "redirect" them to privately owned and regulated charter schools that:
1. can teach whatever they want including religion
2. can hire non-union instructors and pay and treat them however they want
3. can discipline and kick out students however they choose to
4. get to choose which students do or do not attend the schools
5. have corporate donors with representatives on the school boards who make tax-deductible donations to their own schools
6. can find ways to "redirect" government funds back to the politicians and corporations that help them obtain said funds
7. have a million other potentially disasterous possibilities I'm not aware of
While the money is being "redirected" to charter schools and the pubic schools continue to fail, "they" will point their collective fingers and say "see, we told you that privatizing education is a good idea." (sounds similar to another privatizing tactic for another thread...)
Meanwhile, in poverty-stricken areas of the country, public education continues to degrade. Teacher's unions are crushed or starved out, and the working environment for teachers becomes even more difficult.
Students who are relegated to attend and fight through public schools are discarded and expected to either die on the streets, go to prison, work for unlivable wages at entry-level jobs with little hope of improvement, or join the military to fight the next corporate war.
Am I close, or am I too paranoid and cynical? I know for sure that I'm underinformed, which is why I'm asking you for your opinions.