Conservative media in deep over false fishing ban
Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh have spread the story that President Obama 'wants to ban sport fishing.' Though limits are possibly being considered, no such prohibition has been ordered.
It's the latest craze among the right-wing media -- a claim that President Obama is about to prohibit Americans from fishing on some of the nation's oceans, coastal areas and great lakes.
Actually, the White House has created a task force to study how to better manage the nation's use of its oceans, perhaps with an eye to limiting -- but not eliminating -- areas where sport fishing is allowed. There is, after all, an issue of depleting resources. In fact, the International Game Fish Assn. supports sustainable conservation efforts.
But to hear conservative talk show hosts tell it, Obama has already issued an executive order to ban fishing altogether.
On Fox News' Glenn Beck show, the fire-breathing conservative blasted the White House for a stealth move to deny Americans their God-given right to fish, "done in darkness by executive order." He added: "Forget about the frickin' fish. People are losing their rights. Who's more important: the fish or you?"
Rush Limbaugh also weighed in. The darling of the conservative radio audience said that "fishing is about to become a privilege controlled by Barack Obama" and that Obama "wants to ban sport fishing.",0,5592473.story