Wolves kill woman in first such attack troopers can recall
A 32-year-old woman, Candice Berner, appears to have been the victim of a wolf attack, which if confirmed would be the first deadly attack by wolves in the US in 50 years, according to the BBC. Berner, a special education teacher, was jogging by herself near a small village in the Alaska Panhandle, Chignik Lake, which is 475 miles southwest of Anchorage. Her body was found by snowmobilers and the tracks around the body were those of wolves. It appears that two or three animals were responsible and that Berner, who was training for a long distance race and was very fit, put up a strong fight.
A criminal death was ruled out and officials believe it is likely wolves, whom residents had said were aggressive recently, are to blame. State troopers in Alaska told KTVA television that this is the first such death they recall or have had to record.