Liberal Americans choke on their pretzels as Karl Rove rewrites history
It has been fun watching the man known as 'Bush's brain' squirm on the TV talkshows as he tries to sell his self-serving memoir...............
The book stands accused of being a towering monument to self-denial of what are now seen as self-evident truths. Despite millions of words of newsprint, endless government probes in numerous countries and hours upon hours of TV reports proving the opposite, Rove stands by the idea that President George W Bush invaded Iraq reluctantly. He also denies Bush condoned torture. "He did just the opposite," Rove wrote.
He even makes the case that Bush moved swiftly and aggressively on climate change and says administration officials never tried to foster the belief that Saddam Hussein was behind the 9/11 terror attacks. Ah yes, and the earth is flat, the moon is made of green cheese and I've got a reliable secondhand car I'd like to sell you.
No one tore into Rove better than Dana Milbank, the Washington Post's frequently scathing political sketch writer. "What he divulges nearly made me choke on a pretzel," she said. Even former colleagues stuck the knife in. "I think what you're seeing is that Karl is continuing to live in his own world here," Scott McClellan, Bush's former press spokesman, told MSNBC.
As Milbank said: "Rove's work should have been called Ten Thousand Miles From Self-Aware."