The Vile Plutocrat
'America is diseased. Despite the high-minded ideals of our founding forefathers and the basic liberties they sought to protect for the common man, we are a culture built on a foundation of greed and corruption.
We pretend to be disgusted with foreign cultures employing social systems that arrange status by class, yet we are blind to the way capitalism has created the same stratifications within our own society.
As a people, we revere wealth and priviledge to the point of absurdity ... to the point of making excuses for the indiscretions and abominations of those individuals lucky enough to hit life's financial lottery. We envy wealth so enthusiastically that we delude ourselves into believing that "hard work" will make us all rich beyond our wildest dreams without taking the time to notice how our wealthy came to their lot in life. Extreme wealth is canonized and heroisized to the point that we allow entitlement to usurp common sense consensus issues like universal health care, educational opportunities, retirement, living wages, legal issues, taxes, fair treatment under the law, and the political process.
Why should any wealthy person care about their contribution to society when they can buy their way out of a lawsuit or jail? Why should they care that the third multimillion dollar home they purchased raised property values so high for their neighbors that they pushed out people who had lived in the same town for decades? Why should they give a damn about the rising cost of education when they can send their children to the best private elementary schools, high schools, and colleges? Why should they pay their fair share of taxes when they have politicians fighting for their rights to hide their wealth in off-shore accounts and foreign tax havens?/....
looks like no one is spared..hahahaha