Edited on Sun Mar-14-10 02:43 PM by annm4peace
* Freedom isn't Free *** The major trial of the RNC 8 who are charged with felonies won't start till October, with hearings in May.. but the minor trials have continued since Jan 09. It has been costly both financially and emotionally for those arrested.. on mostly bogus charges and targeted towards young people. Here is an update on Elliot who was assaulted by police and terrorized while detaineed. When he brought a lawsuit against he city, the city countered with charging him with hit the cops with his bike. http://twincities.indymedia.org/2010/mar/rnc-800-elliot-hughes-accepts-plea-deal-w-assault-charges-dropped-other-updates-rnc-arreste ELLIOT HUGHES ACCEPTS PLEA DEAL; CAN STILL SUE FOR POLICE BRUTALITY On Monday, March 8th, 2010, Elliot accepted a plea deal as his trial for two counts of gross misdemeanor assault on an officer and one count of misdemeanor obstructing legal process was about to commence. Elliot fell off his bike following a collision with a St. Paul bike cop during the RNC and was promptly arrested. He was tortured in jail so badly that he was coughing up blood all night long. He was outspoken about the torture he suffered and notified the City of St. Paul last year that he intends to sue for police brutality. Several months later, he was charged in a clear attempt for the cops to justify their actions (this is a common occurrence in the criminal injustice system). His plea agreement entails having the two gross misdemeanor charges dropped and a plea of guilty being submitted for the misdemeanor obstruction charge. He will need to do 50 hours of community service and pay a $150 fine within the next year, at which point his misdemeanor conviction will be dismissed and vacated. This agreement leaves him open to suing the cops for the torture they inflicted on him. Elliot's case was one of the few remaining RNC cases still open except for the RNC 8 (see below). More from http://www.rnc8.org:, the RNC 8 and a courtroom full of supporters sat through a hearing regarding several motions that had been filed in the previous months. While the proceedings were less than riveting, there were some surprising results. Even our old friend Bob Fletcher couldn’t resist showing up briefly to watch today’s hearing. Biggest news of the day? The trial date is set for October 25, 2010, so mark your calendars now.
There will also be a number of new motions heard in May, so mark these dates as well: May 3-6, 13, and 14. During these days, the lawyers for the 8 will argue motions such as ones to suppress evidence seized during the preemptive raids prior to the RNC, and the probable cause motion as a part of evidentiary hearings that will include testimony from witnesses. More information will be available as the dates approach, but court support will be needed as always.
In addition to scheduling the hearing and trial dates, Judge Teresa Warner granted the motion to use a jury questionnaire. This questionnaire will hopefully result in a more thorough examination of the jurors. She also took under advisement other motions regarding payments to FBI informants, and thediscriminatory motion. The motion re: IndyTACT was withdrawn and may be refiled at a later date. We hope to receive favorable rulings on those soon and will let you know when we hear the results. SUPPORTING RNC PRISONERS
Since our last newsletter, there have been several changes in our comrades' addresses. Here's the latest on how you can contact people serving time for RNC-related charges. Remember, supporting political prisoners is one of the most important ways to foster solidarity within social movements. We're only as strong as our prisoner support!
Brad Crowder Previously convicted of federal charges, Brad Crowder has also pled guilty to one state charge of Aiding and Abetting Terroristic Threats. His plea deal gets him a 15-month sentence, which he asked to have executed (rather than having it stayed and being sentenced to jail time plus probation) and which will be served concurrently with his federal sentence.
His mailing address while in jail is: Bradley Neal Crowder #0904924 FCI THREE RIVERS FEDERAL CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION P.O. BOX 4200 THREE RIVERS, TX 78071 Matt DePalma
Matt DePalma of Michigan took a plea agreement in federal court, admitting to unlawful possession of destructive devices, a federal crime. He was sentenced on March 11, 2009 to 42 months in prison followed by three years of supervised release. It is widely believed that he was entrapped by FBI informant Andrew Darst (who later faced his own assault charges in Hennepin County, MN).
His mailing address while in jail is:
Jesse James Forrey
In September, Jesse James was sentenced to four months for “damage to property” during the 2008 Republican National Convention in Minneapolis. After being released in early December, 2009 and waiting several months to have is probation transferred to his home state of California, he returned to CA and had to turn himself in for a probation violation from a previous conviction. He has been in jail since then and has a hearing approaching. The prosecutor is pushing for 15 months of incarceration as punishment, but his lawyer is hopeful that he will receive credit for time served. To find out some ways to support Jesse, check out http://supportjessejames.wordpress.com/.
His mailing address while in jail is:
Elmwood Complex Jesse James Forrey, DWH239 701 South Abel Street Milpitas, CA 95035
David McKay
David McKay had trial the week of January 26, 2009, which resulted in a mistrial due to a hung jury. McKay's lawyer argued that McKay had been entrapped by FBI informant Brandon Darby. McKay was released on bond and scheduled to begin a retrial on March 16, but that was preempted by him pleading guilty to three charges. His decision to plead guilty may have been influenced by the prosecutor's underhanded tactic of compelling his friend Brad Crowder to testify against him in the second trial. He was taken back into custody after submitting his plea and sentenced to four years in prison.
His mailing address while in jail is:
Civil Litigation: Civil suits are in the works! So far, lawyers have stepped up to represent people who were arrested at the mass arrest incidents on Shepard Road on Sept. 1, the Rage Against the Machine concert on Sept. 3, and the anti-war march on Sept 4. Email us at RNCcivillit@riseup.net to learn how to get involved. We're still collecting intake forms to get people connected to the work being done to file suit. You can find the form at http://www.rncaftermath.org/resources/civil-litigation-forms/.
Court Solidarity/Media/Outreach/Pressure (Omnibus): Email our listserv (rnccourtsolidarity@googlegroups.com) for more information.
Courtwatch: We need you in the courts! Email us at RNCcourtwatch@gmail.com to get involved.
Felony Support: For more info about Felony Support, check out our little space on the web athttp://www.rncaftermath.org/arrestees/felony-info-and-support.
Fundraising: If you would like to get involved, let us know! Email rnc08fundraising@gmail.com if you want to hang out with us.
Hospitality: Helping arrestees survive their stay in the Twin Cities while fighting court charges. Offer housing or find some for yourself at www.nornc.org/stay . Coming into town to fight your charges? Need help paying for your travel? Apply for funding through the Travel Fund at http://www.rncaftermath.org. So far, we've reimbursed around $10,000 of travel expenses to and from the Twin Cities for people fighting their charges. We'd love to help you too! E-mail rnc08hospitality@riseup.net for more info.
The Spokescouncil: The spokescouncil is made up of the bottomliners from each of the working groups, and is also open to anyone who wants to be involved. We plan the agenda for the meetings, share information between the working groups, and formulate proposals to bring to the meetings.
The Zine Project: We meet at the Blue Nile Restaurant in Minneapolis. We're currently finishing our first draft of our zine and hope to get it out to the world soon! Email us at crasszine@riseup.net or check out http://www.rncaftermath.org/get-involved/crass-zine-project for more info. Also check out our snazzy Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=66014266468. You don't have to live in Minneapolis to be part of this project -- email us to get involved!
Support Jesse: Jesse James Forrey is a friend, a brother, a musician and artist, writer and student, teacher and dog lover. Jesse, 27, was arrested at the 2008 RNC protests in the Twin Cities last September. He was forced to remain in Minneapolis for nearly a year while awaiting trial. In August 2009, Jesse was convicted of criminal damage to property in the first degree, though he maintains his innocence. http://supportjessejames.wordpress.com/ RNC 8: The RNC 8--Luce Guillen-Givins, Max Specktor, Nathanael Secor, Eryn Trimmer, Monica Bicking, Erik Oseland, Robert Czernik and Garrett Fitzgerald--are facing two felony charges each. On April 9, Susan Gaertner's office dropped the two terrorism enhancements due to political pressure, but two counts of conspiracy still remain. To get up-to-date information, check out their website athttp://RNC8.org and sign up for their announcement listserv.
Free the Texas Two: During the RNC, law enforcement conspired to repress people and free speech through brutality in the streets and entrapment and trumped up charges in court. Like many activists before them, the Texas2 fell victim to an FBI informant and provocateur. For more information, visithttp://www.freethetexas2.com
http://www.rncaftermath.org < RNC800 newsletter- RNC800@gmail.com Send checks, courtwatch forms, civil litigation forms, and inspirational messages to CRASS c/o Coldsnap- P.O. Box 50514, Minneapolis, MN 55405