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K-9 veteran dogs finally have their day (4,000 dogs went to Vietnam, 200 returned)

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The Straight Story Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-14-10 04:32 PM
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K-9 veteran dogs finally have their day (4,000 dogs went to Vietnam, 200 returned)
K-9 veteran dogs finally have their day

Dozens of military veterans and law enforcement officers endured the rain Saturday afternoon to honor the nation's four-legged heroes. The ceremony outside the UT School of Veterinary Medicine was part of the inaugural "K-9 Veterans Day."

Throughout the long history of warfare, dogs have fought and died in the service of man. Long considered instruments of warfare, the first K-9 Veterans Day made an effort to recognize the animals' as partners and veterans.

"My dog was as important to me as any human being was," said Thomas DeHoog, a Vietnam veteran who handled German Shepherds. "He was my partner. Often times I could depend upon my dog more than I could depend upon a human being."

"They are kind of like America's forgotten heroes," said John Homa, member of the Vietnam Dog Handlers Association. "They did the same jobs that other soldiers performed like guarding the perimeter of a base, scouting for enemy troops, and searching for mines. When some of my buddies and I visit the Vietnam Memorial, we look at the names on the wall and can't help but think our dogs names should be there, too."

Homa said around 4,000 dogs were sent to Vietnam while approximately 200 returned. Many of those dogs died while performing their duty. Some of the animals were treated very much like supplies by the military, which deemed some dogs "surplus" and euthanized them rather than bringing them dogs back to the United States.
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dkf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-14-10 04:36 PM
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1. Ok now I feel sick.
I was wondering what could have happened and hoped at least they died of old age
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ThoughtCriminal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-14-10 05:34 PM
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2. Snoopy and the War
I have a vague recollection of a series of "Peanuts" strips. Shultz was usually subtle with the political points raised in the strip, but this was an exception.

In 1970, Snoopy went to the "Daisy Hill Puppy Farm" to give a 4th of July speech. However, as he was about to begin, he was hit with a supper dish by protesters who were upset about dogs being sent to Vietnam. A riot broke out, during which police used tear gas to control the crowd.
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