You know, it's so easy to criticize someone without knowing all the facts. I was unaware of the controversy surrounding Ronan Tynan until he sang "God Bless America" today in Boston. Mr. Tynan previously sang "God Bless America" in the seventh inning at Yankee Stadium for 7 years.
It seems that last October, Mr. Tynan made some insensitive remarks that upset some people. The Yankees fired him. At first, I thought he was a bigot. Then I looked into hearing the other side. This amazing man is a double amputee who, as is a usual custom in New York, was vilified for a remark taken out of context. How do I know? Because the people who actually were there accepted his apology. They are super rich, so they didn't do it for the money. We all have our opinions and only three or four people were actually there to witness it. None have taken a harsh position against Mr. Tynan. I believe this man to be sensitive and caring, and should not be judged by one ill advised attempt at humor. After all, he's a singer not a comedian.
Welcome to Boston, Mr. Tynan. I'll trade you for Curt Schilling any day of the week.