Is anyone watching 60 Minutes, which is now examining Michael Lewis' book "The Big Short"? Does anyone buy what Lewis and the other person on the show is saying? I am not buying the story. First, Lewis claimed that he thought the investment bankers and the CEOs of the large banking companies did not know what was going on at their firms. He also said that about only 20 or less investors knew what was going on on Wall Street.
Lewis is wrong about both of these points. There were many people who knew that the subprime market was going to collaspe. In addition, a number of Wall Street bankers and CEOs knew the mortgages were bad. It has been reported that Goldman Sachs both sold bad loans and bet against the bad loans they sold.
In addition, many people before Michael Lewis pointed out that many stupid things were going on on Wall Street. Kevin Philips published the book "Bad Money" about a year before the financial meltdown. Also, many people like Paul Krugman were saying, years before anything happened, if nothing was done the housing market would fail. Other people who saw trouble ahead for Wall Steet were Warren Buffet, Brooksely Born, and Sheila Bair to name a few. Moreover, I think many more people would have figured out that something bad was going to happen if they had actually known what was happening on Wall Street.
Finally, the former doctor that was profiled who made millions betting against the stock market was not the only guy who made million off the market. There are a number of investors who made more money then that guy made betting against Wall Street.
I think the only things this guy go right was that banks like Goldman Sachs were allowed to pay off ratings agencies and that Goldman Sachs' political connections may have helped them benefit from the financial bailout. After watching the Lewis interview I think his book will be worthless. He actually claimed one needed to be a really smart person on Wall Street to know why certain financial changes have not been made. That is just not true. Just about everyone knows why certain rules that should have been changed have not been changed.