I know there is a lot of revisionism and misinformation by folks trying to attack President Obama and romanticize the Republicans. The latest talking point is that President Obama Iraq withdrawal plans are no different than that of the Republicans.
Here is John McCain back in 2008 boldly predicting that the Iraq war will be done in
2013 and that troop withdrawal can begin by that time. Worse, here is CNN calling the 2013 date "ambitious," which made President Obama's 16 month deadline to begin draw downs appear
reckless by comparison. Yet, here we are, following Iraq elections and on target with President Obama's goal to begin drawing down from Iraq.
Oddly, rather than claiming credit, even some liberals are buying into the notion that President Obama's Iraq policy is no different from that of the Republicans. Anyone remember McCain's "ambitious" 2013 goal? Anyone?
COLUMBUS, Ohio (CNN) -- Sen. John McCain envisions that by 2013, the Iraq war will be won, but the threat from the Taliban in Afghanistan won't be eliminated, even though Osama bin Laden will have been captured or killed.
The presumptive Republican presidential nominee made both statements in a speech in which he envisions the state of affairs at the end of his first term if he is elected president.
"What I want to do today is take a little time to describe what I would hope to have achieved at the end of my first term as president. I cannot guarantee I will have achieved these things," McCain said in Columbus, Ohio.
McCain's speech was unusual -- and somewhat risky -- in that it laid out benchmarks on which he could be judged.
"It certainly was an ambitious speech," said Bill Schneider, a CNN senior political analyst, noting that many of the things McCain mentioned will be "very tough things for a president to accomplish."
The NY Times further noted that McCain was not saying that
all American troops would be out by 2013. Just most of them.
McCain Vision Has Most G.I.’s Out of Iraq by 2013
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Senator John McCain declared on Thursday that most American troops would be home from Iraq by 2013 and that the nation would be a functioning democracy with only “spasmodic” episodes of violence. The comments were a striking departure from his usual refusal to set a date for American withdrawal.
In a speech in the heart of Ohio, a major general election battleground, Mr. McCain set forth a sweeping, extraordinarily positive vision of what the world would look like in 2013, when, he said, he would have been in the White House for four years.
The remarks, which offered no proposals for how he would achieve that vision, were an effort by Mr. McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, to define himself and the rationale of his candidacy to voters before he has a single Democratic rival who will try to do it for him.
“By January 2013, America has welcomed home most of the servicemen and women who have sacrificed terribly so that America might be secure in her freedom,” Mr. McCain said at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. “The Iraq war has been won. Iraq is a functioning democracy, although still suffering from the lingering effects of decades of tyranny and centuries of sectarian tension. Violence still occurs, but it is spasmodic and much reduced.”