March 14th, 2010 7:42 PM
Christian law firm issues Adopt a Liberal card to encourage targets of prayer By Adelle M. Banks /
Washington Post Attention, Californians: Your governor has just been adopted. Next up: your bleeding-heart senator, Barbara Boxer, and not far behind Boxer, her Senate colleague Dianne Feinstein.
Not by a new set of parents, mind you, but rather an army of conservative prayer warriors committed to restoring "poor leaders to right thinking."
The Republican governor's alleged sins? Supporting abortion funding, "imposing same-sex 'marriage' " on the Golden State and allowing "out-of-control liberal spending." Boxer, a Democrat, is cited as a "radical environmentalist" and as embracing "ultraliberal" positions. Feinstein, also a Democrat, "encourages closing Guantanamo" and shipping terrorist suspects to her home state.
And we haven't even mentioned the views of San Francisco's Nancy Pelosi, another Democrat and the speaker of the U.S. House. Or Oprah Winfrey's sit-down with a transgender man who had a baby, Hillary Clinton's support of global abortion rights, Warren Buffet's "open marriage" or New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's support of gun control.
For the Christian law firm Liberty Counsel, the new Adopt a Liberal trading cards puts the power of prayer -- quite literally -- in the palm of conservatives' hands. .........(more)
The complete piece is at: