step up demands for inquiry into MI5 torture claims
Intelligence and Security Committee tells PM to disclose its latest report and guidelines ahead of Commons debate
Richard Norton-Taylor and Ian Cobain
The Guardian, Monday 15 March 2010
The ISC has been criticised for its failure to unearth MI5's co-operation with the CIA over the alleged abuse of Binyam Mohamed in secret jails. Photograph: PA Wire/PA
The row over MI5's involvement in torture will come to a head in the Commons this week as MPs step up demands for an independent inquiry into the Security Service's past activities and for much more effective scrutiny of its future role.
Stung by criticism of its failure to unearth MI5's co-operation with the CIA over the alleged abuse of UK resident Binyam Mohamed in secret jails, the Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC), has told Gordon Brown that its latest report and new guidelines given to MI5 and MI6 officers interrogating prisoners abroad must be disclosed before a Commons debate set for Thursday.
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In a letter to the Guardian tomorrow, Manningham-Buller says torture, or the threat of it, was "never, ever, justified".
Chris Huhne, the Liberal Democrats home affairs spokesman, said tonight: "It is clear from the evidence considered by the courts and legal advice that we have obtained from a top criminal barrister and QC that MI5 officers have been involved in illegal activity overseas."