Californians, please dispose of this troll post haste.from the San Francisco Chronicle:
Public employee unions in Whitman's crosshairsJoe Garofoli, Chronicle Staff Writer
Monday, March 15, 2010
Republican Meg Whitman is sharpening her focus on one of the main foils of the billionaire executive's gubernatorial campaign: unions, particularly those representing public employees.
Her TV commercials attack GOP primary rival Steve Poizner for "joining liberal unions" to support a 2000 ballot measure that lowered the vote threshold to pass school bonds. She rejects a timeline to release her taxes, dismissing the demand as coming from a "union front for Jerry Brown." She insists that state employees make financial concessions to help balance the budget.
All of these moves are calculated to help Whitman tap into conservative and Tea Party frustrations with the increasing size of government.
At the same time, the former eBay CEO thinks private-sector workers - particularly those from the technology world - can do a better job making government more efficient and thrifty. If elected, she plans to recruit at least 100 of her top 300 key appointees from the private sector. ........(more)
The complete piece is at: