I use the term "Normal" for I use to do Children and Youth work as a lawyer representing parents. The vast majority of my cases involved parents that needed to be taught how to be parents, i.e. they problem were less abuse and more neglect. On the other hand I did do occasional work involving abuse. In those cases I learned a lot. For example something like 90% of all abuse occurs with in families. Outside abuse is the exception NOT the rule (and this includes sexual abuse). We hear of the Priests doing the abuse, not because they do more abuse then others (The records seem to indicate otherwise) but of the three big groups that has been accused of such abuse the Catholic Church can NOT claim Sovereign Immunity (As does the Public Schools, were most abuse occurs), or have no money so lawyers do NOT take up the case such as in regards to day care centers (Where a lot of accusation of abuse were made in the late 1980s early 1990s, but subsequent investigation found to NOT have occurred or hopelessly exaggerated). Yes, the Catholic Church has a problem, unlike public schools which can hide behind Sovereign Immunity and day care center (which tend NOT to have any money) the Catholic Church has assets that a Judgment can be collected on. One of the oldest joke in the legal profession is that the hardest part of collecting on a Judgment is NOT getting the Judgment but collecting on it. If the person who did the abuse is a public school teacher you can sue that teacher and get a huge judgment on the teacher. The problem is it may take decades (if ever) for the Judgment to be paid by that teacher. You can NOT go after the teacher's employer, the School District, for Sovereign Immunity prevents such lawsuits AND more often then not any home the teacher owns is owned with the teacher's spouse and in regards to Judgments, as a general rule, you can NOT sell marital property for the debt of one spouse. Since most homes are held in the name of both spouses it is marital property and can not be touched. Day care center has similar problems if you only get Judgment against one spouse (and that is generally the wife, the husband generally has another job) providing you can get around the fact most day care centers have no money.
On the other hand the Catholic Church is NOT protected by Sovereign immunity and it has assets that a Plaintiff can go after. The Catholic Church, in many ways, a perfect defendant, it has money, it has no special protection under the law (such as school districts) and given its structure it is easy to prove that the Bishop knew of a priest's "weaknesses" and that the Bishop did nothing.
As to the situation in Ireland, the above are cost the Catholic Church (and every other organization that deals with teen age and pre-teen children) have had to deal with for centuries). It is NOT new. The extent of the press coverage is new, but if you go back further then the 1920s such accusations were common. The decline was more a reflection of the fact that such incidents occur in EVERY organization dealing with people of that age AND that if you reported on the Catholic Church the reporter would have to report on other organizations, Such organizations also included businesses. People tend to forget that prior to WWII most people started employment at age 14. In fact do to pressure of the Great Depression, two opposing things happened at the same time, first a lot of children dropped out of school to get work to help their families, while more children stayed in School for there were no jobs for them to get. This increase in people in high school lead the Federal Government to change unemployment Statistics from 14 and above prior to 1947 to 17 and above after 1947. My point is when it comes to the age where such pedophilia occurred, prior to WWII it was more likely to occur within businesses that first hired 12-14 years olds then in Schools, both Catholic and Public. It is only with the acceptance that ALL children should finish High School do we have most pre-teens and teenagers in High School as oppose to being on their own. The police had always protected businesses (For the simple reason if the police did not they would be fired and replaced by someone who would, I am talking of pre-WWII police forces. True Civil Service only hit most Police Department as part of the New Deal of the 1930s) from such accusations so switching to protecting Schools was NOT that much of a jump.
I do NOT want to get to far off the subject and go into HOW the pedophile cases occurred (Like most such debacles it has many causes not any one single cause) but address the cost of such abuse. The costs are high but not that high as to be unmanageable. In many ways it is a cost of doing business with people of that age (10-15 years old). Anyone who deals with such situation have to make efforts to keep it under control, but no one with any experience with Children and Youth litigation will suggest it will be ever be eliminated. The best policy is to have a policy to prevent it and when that policy fails to try to undo the harm. These costs are pretty steady. In regards to Ireland I have NOT heard of any truly excess cost tied in with such cases. I have heard of high settlement fees but nothing really out of the ordinarily for such cases, just high do to the fact it is now being reported while 20 years ago such situation were just not reported. Ireland's problem is tied in with its embrace of wall street as a poor English speaking Europe NOT anything the Catholic Church had done. Wall Street is in Ireland to protect Wall Street and if that includes the destruction of Ireland, that is OK with Wall Street.