Pass, don't pass whatever. I am sick of this huge waste of political capital that the Democrats have blown their mandate from 08 on.
The Dems are in trouble in 2010 and 2012 for three big reasons (in my opinion): 1. The reichwing is batshit crazy and has gotten their (some kind of racist) base motivated. 2. Americans feel like Obama and the Democrats haven done anything in his first year in office that will benefit the people and help get us out of this Bush Recession. Dont bother posting the names of obscure bills. 3. The (perception, real or not that the) only people helped out by Obama's Administration are banksters, Wall Street, and CEO fatcats.
That we have wasted more than the first year on Health (Insurance) Care Reform has led to a bill that: is not even supported by some Democrats, has brought about fighting between certain Democrats over Anti-Abortion wording, contains concessions to Repukes who in all likelihood wont even vote for the bill, has huge holes that need fixing (either now or later), and numerous other problems from the HCR Blackhole, is a severe handicap that the Democrats and Administration will be hard pressed to overcome in 2010 and 2012.
We need to remove the HCR anchor from around our necks and work for the remainder of the year passing People-friendly legislation that shows a serious effort to embrace the Hope and Change that we were sold, and bought in a huge mandate, in 2008.
The clock is ticking, so let's pass it, fail it, or whatever to just get over it and move forward.