Edited on Mon Mar-15-10 01:55 PM by cyclezealot
I like to know what the opposition ( crazies) are doing. So I get the Tea party emails forwarded to me. It tells me who they want to hassle.. Democratic No votes cast last Fall against H.C. that have turned to yes votes are listed. So they say, according to Jim Clyburn... They want to put a lot of pressure on these reported yes votes.. They say, Keep up the Pressure and not let up. Same goes for us.. .Those the tea hatters want to hassle are.. Let's counter their efforts... . .Rep John Boccieri, D-Ohio; Rep. Jason Altmire, D-Pa, Reo, Bart Gordon, D-Tenn; Rep. Brian Baird- D- Washington State..
They all can be contacted through the House Congressional switch board.. Let's all counter the tea baggers, please...