Court Justice Clarence Thomas's wife launches Tea Party group
Joni L. Reynolds | Posted March 15, 2010 10:40 AM
President Obama has received some heat for admonishing the Supreme Court on one of their rulings during his State of the Union address. I thought he went out of bounds in his criticism, but his actions pale in comparison to this.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' wife Virginia Thomas is the founder of a Tea Party-linked group. His wife's group is called Liberty Central Inc. "It's a nonprofit lobbying group set to issue score cards for members of Congress during the November election.
The group and work doesn't violate ethical rules for judges, but it could potentially be grounds for conflict of interest for her husband. Liberty Central may be a nonpartisan group, but it leans toward conservative principles and its nonprofit title allows it to raise unlimited amounts of corporate money without disclosing its donors. The group is set to launch fully in May."*
We rely on the court to render impartial rulings, but we know they all have political leanings and Justice Thomas leans far right, but for his wife to be linked to the hard right views of the Tea Party is a little unsettling and really should be scrutinized.
*LA Times