What happens when man's best friend meets girl's best friend? In one especially noteworthy case, a golden retriever with a thing for bling treated a three-carat, $20,000 diamond as the ultimate doggie snack.
Dogs like diamonds too.
How, you ask? George Kaufman, co-owner of Robert Bernard Jewelry in Rockville, Maryland, had brought along his dog Soli to work as usual back in late January of this year. He and his partner were examining a large diamond in the presence of a dealer when it accidentally rolled off the table and on to the floor. Soli leapt to his feet and scarfed down the pricey treat before anyone could react.
Kaufman tried in vain to fish the stone out of the glamour hound's mouth, but it was already (gulp) long gone. He immediately brought Soli to a veterinarian who advised him to be patient and let nature take its course.
Sure enough, three days later, according to NYDailyNews.com, the diamond reappeared in the "ruff" during Soli's daily constitutional. It was a happy ending for all, while perhaps also providing some interesting fodder for the avant-garde on a unique, albeit messy, way to propose.
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