Edited on Mon Mar-15-10 07:32 PM by RandomThoughts
Most just going about their daily lives,
But a few people are going around tieing peoples shoelaces together, pickpocketing and taking the silverware, and trying to make rules that help them only. (And the few doing wrong are not one sector or one class they are spread out by a similar ideology. Not right or left, but control by a few through money in this case, but mostly Republican in my view)
They get caught.
They aren't going to admit it, or back down, they are outnumber, and have been doing wrong. And once they are caught, they have to do so much to try and keep their way, that they can't hide it. So they unashamedly start trying to tie up and enslave the people as quick as they can before the people react.
The logic is to create a totalitarian ruling system, in this case money. For a long time things are done in secret, but at some point people figure it out, that is when the totalitarian system goes full to the wall. That is why there is so much conflict in government between sides right now, this is the tipping point, one way or the other.
They are trying to get a control that allows them to do whatever they want in the open, since the hidden stuff is being exposed, that is the only move they got, try to make it happen in broad daylight, and count on people doing nothing.
The other option is a more fair state, but that goes against their ideology of power and control.
The mind set is if they can openly get away with what people think is wrong, then they have complete power, however the truth is it is really a spiral, where they are doing the same things they wanted to do before, just more extreme because they are losing methods. Their only option is moving to full control. And the more they act that way, the more they lose, so the more they have to act that way. Soon they will start losing local justice officials that have had a tendency to like authority also, just like they lost other agencies they have counted on in the past, because most people believe in justice, and most people are more good then bad.
Once the spiral begins it is only a matter of when it turns, the longer to turn, the more damage done, but to some extent the turn rate is based on actions in the spiral, so it is almost a symbiotic relationship between the self destruct of corruption that gives motivation to correction.
But the power grab never works because they think people are like them, and will agree to anything if being paid enough versus doing what they think is right. That is why they push for mercenaries, it is service to money not an ideal. And why they privatise prisons and anything else, since they need obedience to money to make money the controlling part of society.
Its a cascade downward spiral, the hard part is moving back the other direction without implosion, which requires making sure people learn whats going on, and decide to do whats right. to save the system the bad parts have to be allowed to show their motives, and lose their false base of the people they have deceived, to give the strength to the course correction.
That's why the Texas book thing is happening, they are already caught and are trying to complete control before they get stopped by society's views. It is also why the stall in government is happening, and why the ruling on the use of money to buy elections happened.