Jeffrey Toobin is a CNN senior legal analyst and a staff writer at The New Yorker. A former assistant U.S. attorney...
(CNN) -- Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. is fond of pointing out the original reason that judges came to wear black robes. It's to make them look alike, to minimize the differences between the individuals who occupy the role and to suggest that the law will be applied even-handedly, no matter who happens to be dressed in black.
Well, that may be the theory, but the events of the last few weeks show that the Supreme Court is riven by the same partisan divisions as the rest of Washington -- and it's likely to get even more heated sooner rather than later.
(mentions Citizens United, Roberts public war of words w POTUS, and the Thomas Tea Party)
All of this controversy may come to a head soon, because Justice John Paul Stevens, the court's senior associate justice and the leader of its liberal wing, is likely to resign this spring. In an interview for The New Yorker, Stevens told me that he will probably decide in less than a month whether he will retire. With his 90th birthday looming in April, Stevens gave me every indication that he will leave the court , which will set up a confirmation battle over Obama's appointment of his successor.
The divisions in the court have always reflected the political divisions in the country, but never more so than today. PostsJeffrey Toobin: After Stevens What will the Supreme Court be like without its liberal leader? (Mon Mar-15-10) Justice Stevens will retire under Obama, to decide in "about a month" (Sun Mar-14-10)