Who is more corporatist than the Republicans? Evidently, the current Democratic leadership.
I'm talking about any Democratic congressperson who votes for this health insurance mandate. That's health INSURANCE mandate. It's not true health care reform no matter how you want to spin it.
I'm talking about any Democratic congressperson who supports President Obama's war on public schools. Reagan would be proud.
I'm talking about any Democratic congressperson who votes to continue and EXPAND wars of aggression overseas.
People like to say that "a vote against HCR is a vote with the GOP!" Bullshit. The GOP is opposing this bill because their political lives depend on it. People like Dennis Kucinich are opposing it because the bill is counter-intuitive to common sense.
Here's my prediction: A large number of the Dems who voted for "health care reform" are gonna be out of a job by the end of the year.
So let's turn this argument on its head. Instead of, "A vote against HCR is a vote for the GOP", how about "A vote FOR this bill is a vote for the GOP." Because that's what will happen; the Republican Party goes for the jugular, and they smell blood, like sharks. They know we've shot ourselves in the leg, so they can take us down in 2010.
Republicans will win both houses by a large margin if this bill passes.