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Diocese Nixes Talk by Cindy Sheehan

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unhappycamper Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-16-10 06:31 AM
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Diocese Nixes Talk by Cindy Sheehan
Diocese Nixes Talk by Cindy Sheehan
March 15, 2010
Times-Tribune, Scranton, Pa.

Citing her support for abortion rights and gay marriage, the Diocese of Scranton has forbidden internationally known anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan from speaking at a local church hall or any other local Catholic venue.

"Although Mrs. Sheehan is well known for her anti-war stance against the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, she also supports positions that are contrary to Church teaching regarding life and marriage issues," a statement posted Friday on the diocesan Web site said.

Ms. Sheehan was scheduled to appear April 9 at St. John the Evangelist Church hall on Fig Street in Scranton.

The diocese barred her because she supports abortion rights and gay marriage, which the Catholic Church opposes, diocesan spokesman Bill Genello said. Allowing her to appear would be inconsistent with "the teaching of the church," he said.

Neither Cardinal Justin Rigali, the diocese's apostolic administrator, nor Monsignor Joseph C. Bambera, the diocese's future bishop, authorized the hall's use, the Internet notice said. The diocese issued the Web-site notice because its newspaper, The Catholic Light, published a brief article about her appearance Thursday.

Rest of article at:

unhappycamper comment: I get a serious chuckle out of the Catholic Church. What is the Catholic's Church's take on pedophilia? What is the Catholic's Church's take on Bishops who reassign pedophiles? What is the Catholic's Church's take on Cardinal Bernie Law? What is the Catholic's Church's take on Cardinal Ratzinger's brush with pedophiles?

BTW, I am a recovering Catholic.
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Echo In Light Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-16-10 06:36 AM
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1. Bullshit move on the part of the church...big surprise, that.
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