Just got this email from him:
72 hours. 66 cosponsors in the House. 21,254 citizen cosponsors at WeWantMedicare.com.
The Public Option Act. It's simple. It's popular. 82% of Scott Brown voters favor it. It lets anyone buy into Medicare at cost. You want it, you pay for it, and you're in.
You know and I know that it's a winner.
Private insurers make money denying us the care we need, when we need it most. Medicare doesn't. So we want Medicare. And we want it now.
Ask your Member of Congress to stand up for us. Call your member of Congress now, and ask him or her to cosponsor HR 4789, the Public Option Act.
Call the switchboard: (202) 224-3121
After you call, please let me know how it went. I need to know if your Representative is with us or against us. Tell me how it goes.
This is the week to act. We are likely to vote on a healthcare bill without a public option. We should get a vote on the Public Option Act as well. The four-page bill opens Medicare to all. It's that simple.
Call your member of Congress now, and ask if he or she has the guts to stand up for you.
Call the switchboard: (202) 224-3121
I love several things about Grayson.
1. He tells it like it is and pulls no punches
2. He has a spine of steel
3. He fully supports the Democratic Caucus and plans to support the HCR Bill
4. He doesn't let setbacks get in his way. He's going for the gusto on this Medicare Buy-in Bill and I *love* it.
I wish there were many more like him.