Call it petty or stupid, I don't care. In the big scheme of things a recent issue I came across means nothing compared to the whole health care debate/unions/schools/etc and so on.
But it meant something to my little girl. While some battles may be small we can learn something from them.
And how to battle big companies, or even not so big ones.
Since moving back to Ohio my daughter has went through a lot, and I won't go into all of that.
One thing which she and I have enjoyed, and which has brought her untold joy, was a game I played with her online. Even when she was not here with daddy we could play online. She has worked on her character for over a year - and finally, recently, became a 'grandmaster'. A year+ of hard work. Whenever I could I bought her some in-game extras. I don't spend money on many things, but I did on this game for her.
She just bought a new house and outfit there - was so proud of herself. Her B-day is coming up, and with my unemployment was going to buy her some more in-game money. She had many friends online, played with me on the weekends - always helping out other kids when she could, as I do.
Then last night I got a message. She was banned from the game. She cried herself to sleep. All over a conversation she had with some friends online (and there are a plethora of kids there who will report other kids if you don't treat them how they want to be treated - her crime? She joked with a friend that she could 'hack' my account - IE, log into it - which she does at times to help her own character with quests. She just used the wrong terms).
8 years old. And they never even bothered to email me with any issues they might have had. Take my money? Sure - without a thought. They deleted her character and all the things she had bought, all her friend lists, her house, and she was left with zip.
I was not about to give in that easy. One strike and she was out? Not if I have anything to say about it - and there are other kids facing the same thing.
I created a facebook page for kids who were banned from there, found the twitter account for one of the VP's and posted to him, posted on their forums, emailed their support team (they don't take calls...).
Now I hear that if I make my case the founder of the game might re-instate her. Guess folks don't want negative press. They don't want to be seen as not so family friendly. Not sure if she will get her account back (if it was me I would just forget about it all) but I feel she should - and instead of just letting some company get away with something easily I fought back.
WE spend our money with these businesses - why shouldn't we use all tools at our disposal to try and get the best result?
If we don't stand up when we are pissed off - from credit card companies and banks to smaller companies - who will?
She invested her heart and soul, and my money (I don't have a dvr, or even a remote for my TV that someone gave me) in this - between her mom being sick, our divorce, her cats dying, etc, one of the things she looks forward to doing with daddy on weekends is playing together online (not to say we don't fish, etc).
She is 8. You can take away a whole year + from a little kid without so much as a thought and call yourself family friendly? And you think I won't call you out on it?
This is not the age of big money any more - it is the age of the little guy who can rally the troops online, social networking, and calling out companies and politicians.
You can pay for all the commercials you want - but more people will see folks online and how your company really is.
We might not have money, might not invest in your company so you might feel we don't have a voice, but like the hippies of the 60's we won't just sit around quiet while you run over us. We don't need superbowl ads. We have the web, we have message boards, blogs, facebook, twitter, etc - your voice is not the only one people will hear anymore.
From the big issues - to the small ones like I am talking about. Your corporations might be able to pay for ads now on issues and candidates - but your media is a dying dinosaur, and our media will hammer you.
We the people have a new press - and we will keep using it. For the little things, like what I am talking about with my daughter and her game, to the big things like health care and illegal wars where you send our kids to die over lies.!/group.php?gid=383684577744&ref=mf