First, CNBC's Rick Santelli's "spontaneous" outburst demanding a tea party started the ball rolling, then Fox News promoted it 24/7, then Dick Armey's Freedom Works provided corporate sponsorship, and now the so-called grass roots movement to protest Wall Street is now being used to kill Health Care Reform, Financial Reform, and environmental regulations.
Tea Party protestors might as well just cut to the chase and sport corporate logos ala Nascar. You almost have to be impressed with how Big Business simply paid for, promoted, and now has their rent-a-crowd ready to fight for corporate tax cuts, oppose health care reform, and oppose financial regulations.
Tea Party activists from across the country have come to Washington for a three-week long “Take The Town Halls to Washington” rally, an effort to lobby undecided House Democrats to vote against health care reform. At a press conference for the event on Friday, the Daily Caller spotted signs and buttons clearly paid for by the Republican National Committee. Activists distributed “red-white-and-blue buttons and signs emblazoned with the words ‘Listen to Me!’” — an official RNC slogan — with disclaimers at the bottom of the signs reading “Paid for by the Republican National Committee:”