What a bold adventure today! I was Ill all last week, having gone to the Dr with swollen glands, high fever Last Thursday, sent home with a script for anitbiotics. When Monday rolled around I went back to my quack to bitch about my lack of health, not being able to swallow, gagging on a fucking milkshake fer chrissakes. Well, he said "Gee those glands are remarkably swollen", I'm thinking no shit obviousman, what does pointlessboy think?
He gives me a shot of antibiotics and sends me to an ENT guy like it's no big deal, wanted to schedule Tuesday, I fought for that same day, but settled for this morning with a different ENT doc in the practice. Have I mentioned I'm not really good at picking Drs? Anyway I digress...
I got there this morning, and he feels my neck and says, hmmm, sprays some crap down my throat and says swallow I'm numbing it. We talk about how it tastes like spoiled bananas while it kicks in. Then he tells me to hold still and he then feeds a scope through my nose which stings a bit but lets him have a good look down the gullet.
When he pulls the scope out the good Asian Dr is as lilly-white as my Caucasian legs in winter. He says you're going to the ER, NOW. Yes, he shouted. He said drive there now I'm calling ahead.
I got the the hospital and had a cigarette at 9:50 this morning on the way in to the Frederick Memorial Hospital ER. They have me on the patch right now. I have always wondered about the concept of a Memorial Hospital, and the initials are the classic, FMH, rofl, but I digress.
I lasted all of like 12 minutes in the ER as the whirlwind struck. I met all kinds of Drs, Nurses, specialists and probably a janitor or two. I didn't even have to sit on the group W bench and fill out any forms as consent papers which I insisted on reading at least most of them were shoved in my face with the phrase sign here.
Once the signature was obtained, I was taken off the the OR for a large gauge piercing called a tracheotomy because I have epiglottitus that went unrecognized and untreated for a week.
Since, I've been in ICU where I woke up. The staff have been pretty good, well the night shift has been wonderful anyway. I have this new piercing, and will have a stay most of the rest of the week. At least FMH has wifi and my ex and one of my kiddies brought in my 'puter...
I wonder if they make decorative covers for when the tube comes out, shame to squander the opportunity, lol.