Meet CNN's Newest Contributor: The Guy Who Called Souter A Goat-F*cker announced Tuesday that they hired Erick Erickson, the editor of RedState, as a political contributor for John King's new show, a show which they've promoted as a doubling down on straight news.
There's a bit of a contrast here. Erickson is, as CNN says, a voice the right side of the Internet listens to. Conservative lawmakers read his site and, occasionally, use it to break news. He's been named on "most influential" lists and has pushed hard for conservative candidates like Marco Rubio. He's a city councilman in Macon, Ga.
But he's also prone to making extreme and sometimes misogynistic public comments.
He's called a Supreme Court justice a "goat-fucking child molester." Last month, he told "ugly" "feminazis" to "return to their kitchens." He's compared an administration official to a Nazi and called First Lady Michelle Obama a "Marxist harpy."
Asked about the comments, a CNN spokeswoman told TPM: "Erick is one of the many voices that you'll hear on CNN. We believe viewers are smart enough to appreciate hearing all points of view."
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Guess I will continue to not watch. Besides, Boss Limbaugh has already been there, done that.